Sometimes, it gets difficult to remove stubborn body fat despite our best efforts at exercising and dieting. From here some people resort to liposuction to lose weight and get a perfect body . it is possible With liposuction to remove fat from thighs, upper arms, buttocks, inner knee, abdomen, back, chest area, cheeks, chin or neck area... some area we can do it with local anesthesia and if its more than one area we will need general anesthesia according to the patient what she / He needThere is many techniques for Hair transplant but the way of extraction of the grafts is the same with all the techniques .

Who is an ideal patient for liposuction ?
The ideal patient
Before we accept the operation, we must evaluate the patient's condition if it is suitable or not , So we must check the patient's health condition Like if he suffers from any chronic disease
Does he use any treatments or not, is he allergic to any treatment, what operations did he perform before? and many other questions ...etc
It is also very important to know the patient's weight and height for liposuction to know the amount of excess fat .
after that we can move to the next step fixing the plan of the doctor and explaining all the details to the patient .
We can have a video call with the patient or can send us pictures for check the case .
liposuction surgery gonna take between 2 and 3,5 hours according how many area need for liposuction 1 area , 2 area or 3 area for liposuction
we don't advice to make all the body on one session because some patient can't feel suportabal after the operation that's why doctor who decide for what you are suitabal
Before the operation, we do all the tests in the hospital
For liposuction you will need to stay a week in Istanbul to be able to perform the operation and check on your health and result progress before traveling